Serfas Saddles: How We Test
This is one of a series of videos where Serfas shows how it tests its various products. This specific video shows how Serfas tests its various saddles. Video by Stu Haight.
Night Riding This is what a driver at night would see at 55 MPH riding up on our USL-5R tail light.
Serfas Saddles This video explains the technology of the Serfas Saddles.
Katie Kyme Serfas Athlete Katie Kyme Reviews our ST-13I Multi Tool.
Orion Blast Tail Light UTLA-8 Review This top-of-the-line bike headlight from Serfas seems to have it all.
Serfas Optics This video explains the technology of the Serfas Optics.
E-Lume USL-600 Review Full review and commuter group test coming soon. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe for more.
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